Thursday, April 23, 2015

Things to know before preparing for LokSewa || (LokSewa syllabus)

Loksewa aayog
LokSewa Syllabus
LokSewa is a great opportunity to get Government jobs in Nepal but it is not that easy.Out of many only little participation will be selected.So to increase the probability to be selected here are the few things you should consider while applying for LokSewa. Download Computer Operator Syllabus from link below.


Monday, April 20, 2015

this keyword in java

Many beginners feel difficult to understand 'this' keyword in java and can't implement it correctly.So here are the some usage of 'this' keyword in java which will help you to understand where and how to implement 'this' keyword.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Simple Calculator in java for beginners

import java.util.Scanner;

public class CH1 {

static int a;
static int b, num;
int add, sub, mult, div;

Simple TicTacToe android game with source code

TicTacToe android game
TicTacToe is a very simple and fun game and very easy to develop.You can get source code of this game from link below or Click read-more to copy code from below..


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Complete java programming tutorials (Beginners to Advance).

This course covers all the topics of java programming.This course is for beginners as well as for advance java user.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Learn Nepali Typing Easily

Nepali typing is not easy to learn need more practice and time to learn it.Many beginners feel difficult to learn Nepali typing because they don't know the format of Nepali words in the keyboard.So to make it easy i noted the Nepali keyboard format which will help you to learn Nepali typing.Download the Nepali keyboard format from link below.

Friday, April 10, 2015

1.Describe either in flowchart or algorithm from the steps required to display the multiplication table of a given number (inputted by the user). Convert the flowchart algorithm in to program code of the 4GL or HLL of your choice. The program should used for looping structure to calculate and display the multiplication table.[Exam:- 2058/2061/2068]

3.Write a program to input a massage from keyboard and display the menu. a) Print the message length in terms characters. b) Print the message in reverse order. c) Print the message in capital letters. d) Copy the message from one location of screen to another location.

4. The marks obtained by a student in 7 different subjects are entered through the keyboard.The students gets a division as per following rules:

5. Write a program that reads names and address into the computer and re arrange the name into alphabetical order using structure variables.

6. Write a program using C language to read the age of 100 persons and count the number of persons the age group between 50 and 60.Use "for" and "continue" statements.

7. Write a program using C language that reads successive records from the new data file and display each record on the screen in an appropriate format.

8. Write a C program to print the 10 positive integers and their factorials.

9. For any integer input through the keyboard write a c program to find out whether it is odd or even number.

10. Draw a flowchart and write a C program to read in a positive integer less than 20 and display its multiplication table.

11. Write a C program to input names of 'n' numbers of students and sort them in alphabetical order.

12. Write an algorithm and C program to read salaries of 200 employees and count the number of employing getting salary between 5000-10,000.

13. Write a C program to display the sum of 'n' terms of even numbers.

14. Write a C program to calculate the factorial of given number using functions.

15. Write a c program to print first 10 terms of the following series using FOR loop. 1,5,9,13,.....

17. Write a C program to sort integer values in descending order.

18. Write a C program to read age of 40 students and count the number of students of the age between 15 and 22.

19. Write a program to print first 10 terms of any series using "for" loop.

void main()

20. Write a program to reading a data file.

 struct student

21. Write advantage of function.Write a recursive function to calculate the factriol of any integer number.

long int factorial(int);
void main()

22. Write a program to store 10 different constant variables in any array and print out the greatest number.

void main()

23. Write a program that reads different names and addresses into the computer and sorts the name into alphabetical order using structure variables.


24. Write a C program to delete and rename data file using rename and remove command.

struct student

25. Write a program to count the number of vowels and consonants in a given text.

void main()

26. Write an algorithm and flow chart for a program that checks whether the number enter by user is exactly divisible by 5 but not by 11.

 void main()

27. Write a program that reads three numbers and displays the largest among them.

void main()

Gauss Elimination Method in C Programming

void main()
int n,i,j,dum;

Simpson's 3/8 Rule in C program

#define f(x) 1/x
 void main()

Lagrange Interpolation in C Programming

 void main()

C Program for RK4-Method

#define f(x,y) 2*y/x
#define h 0.25
 void main()
int i,n;

Differential Equation by Euler's Method

#define f(x,y) (3+x*x+1)
 void main()

Secant Method in C Programming

#define f(x) x*x*x*x-4*x+1
#define E 0.0001

Algorithm for Gauss-Jordan Elimination

1.Normalize the first row by dividing it by its pivot element.
2.Eliminate x1 from all other equations.
3.Now normalize the 2nd equation by dividing by its pivot

Gauss Jordan Elimination Method in C

 void main()
int n,i,j,k;

Algorithm for Bisection Method

1.Decide the initial values forx1 and x2 and stopping criterion,

Bisection method in C Programming.

#define f(x) x*x-6*x+3
#define E 0.0001

Thursday, April 9, 2015

RAID( Redundant Array Independent Disk)

Disk storage designers recognize that if one component can only be pushed so far addition gain in the performance are to be had by using multiple parallel components in the case of disk storage this leads to the development of arrays of disk that operate independently and in parallel with multiple disk separate I/ request can be handled in parallel as long as the data reside on separate disk.

Pentium & power PC evolution

Pentium PC

8080: Eight bit machine with 8-bit data path to the memory.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

34. Write a program to input an integer number and cheek whether it is prime number or not.

35. Write a program to store name and mark of 20 students. Sort the data according with mark in descending order and display them. [2066]

36.Write a program to find the sum of 'n’ integer numbers using function.

37. Write a program to store std-no, name and marks of ‘n’ students in a data file. 'Display the records in appropriate format reading from the files.

38. Write a program to display all prime numbers from 1 to 100.

39. What is difference between library function and user-define function” Write a program using user define function to calculate y raise to power x. [2067]

40. Write a program to read line of text and to convert it into uppercase.

41. Write a program to open a new file and read roll no,name ,address and phone numbers of students until the user says "no",after reading the data,write it to the file then display the contents of the file.

42. Define 'Nested Loop'. write a program to calculate and display the multipliction table using nested loop.[2068]

43. Write a program to find out factorial of any number.

44. Write a program to read salaries for 300 employees and count the number of employees getting salary from 10,000 to15,000.

45. Write a program to sort an array of "n" elements in descending order.

46. What is nested loop? Write a program to display the multiplication table of nth term of given numbers [2070 set C]

47. Write a program to enter"name", "roll-no" and "marks" of 10 students and stores them in a file.Read and display the same from the file.

48. Write a program which reads name, department and age from a file named “employee.dat" display them on the monitor. [2069] [2070 Set D]

49. Write a program which read salary of 25 employee and count the number of employees who are getting salary in between 30,000 to 40,000 [2070 Set C]

50. Write a program which writes welcome to Nepal in a file. [2070 Set C]

51 .Write a program which reads name of 20 employees and sort them in alphabetical order.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Easily Learn Korean language in nepali (Korean Language Learning for Nepal)

korean language trainingIf you are just starting to learn Korean to work in Korea then this page will be a great resource for you.This book is specially printed for Nepali user.Although it is a beginners Korean section, it contains a lot of  lessons that will get you well on your way to Korean mastery. The first couple lessons will teach you everything you need to know about reading in the actual Korean alphabet, while the following lessons will give you vocabulary and grammar usage that you will definitely need.Download "Easily learn Korean language in Nepali" book from below.